Comments on "Mutual Agreement"

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I played this map about a hundred times and enjoyed every frame of it.


I don't think i've ever said "holy shit, that's clever" that many times when playing just one map. Freakin' 5aved.


couldnt work out how to get the other gold and not get killed by the drone.
Demo Data

Race of the Year.

I would have been fastest by quite a long way, it would seem.

The race was brilliant, the whole thing was pure genius. The launchpads were integrated with flow brilliantly, and the enemies were even cooler. How you got everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, to work together so flawlessly in a race as conceptual and cutting-edge as this one astounds me. 5aved.

Best race i've played all year.
Demo Data

death cheat =]

FBF... death demo
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not perfect demo, but it works :)

Awesome race... I think losttortuga's races are kinda the opposite of this, so I can see why he doesn't like it (not a bad thing)... I liked it a lot!
Demo Data
for balanced diets.
if you would like to dispute the fact that I hit a floorguard and enjoyed it, take it up w/ my lawyer!!
Demo Data




Oops, meant to say x1.0 for gimmicks.

GREGOR says...

Generic RacE Grading O' Rubric (GREGOR)

Subscore Section
Fun Value: 10/10. Comments: Deliciously fun. The essence of a truly fun race lies within its challenge, but the player must feel complete control over their fate. This race makes that control completely tangible.
Flowiness: 8/10. Comments: Good the whole way through, but the end is a little rough.
Aesthetics: 5/6. Comments: Very nice, but not 6/6 material.
(10+8+5)/6 = 3.83/4 *subscore*

Multiplier Section: Scored in increments of x0.05
Originality : x1.2. Comments: It would be evil of me to not give a x1.2 for the trampoline actions. I've never seen it before, and it's absolutely ingenious.
Well-Integration : x1.05. Comments: There is some, but not much.
Replay Value : x1.0. Comments: Nope
Other Gimmicks : q. Comments: None
3.83 multiplied by all multipliers = 4.83/5

That rounds up to a 5/5. Congratulations.

What espada said.

I love it. <3
(An I was faster than you :] )
Demo Data

Seriously amazing

Great work Riobe!

woah dis

r teh funz :3


With a cheated death at the end :D
Demo Data
The top drone hasn't killed me yet. Too slow? Too fast?


Good on ya!

It was very cool

but the top drone was never in the right place for me.
All the jumps are way too precise and everything is too fast and threatening and bleh :/
But they also made this map shine.

but it was such a rediculusly hard race map haha, knowing what launch pad to take at the right time ^^ very good idea though :)


Demo Data
I spent like forever on this completion demo, as you know. My heart was pounding at the end. :3
Demo Data