Comments on "City"

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i actually dont know anything about guitars^^
and coke over pepsi.

Dont commit suicide. Your life is precious.
sure, maybe you wouldn't want to perform with it or anything, but at least you'll have something to do.

ahh and maxson..

pepsi tastes better directly from the fridge than coke
beer is the best anyway^^
oh no don't ahhhh I'm so worried oh no ahhhh.
I err... was doing a remake of My Generation... you know, smashing my guitars and everything.

July in '08.

If I recall correctly.
And if the pieces of music you play are actually good, they should sound just fine acoustically too.
but lets descuss about the situation in the iran!
It is strange that you idiots are the last people I will speak to.


speedrun just for the hell of it
Demo Data


are we including godenator, because i always thought he was around for longer. my mistake otherwise.
person I meant you two are exactly alike lol.

1 year.

Actually. And not the full time. No, I don't have anything better to do at this exact moment in time. Nobody's out and I've broken yet another amplifier, so I'm bored as fuck.


How about abortion? Coke vs. Pepsi?

Also, E_S.

You evidently don't have anything better to do. You've been harassing strangers on a website like some kind of Starcraft match. For over 2 years. Give it a rest.


Is FBF a retard or what? Look at the time difference between the posts, plus I'm far better at it, obviously.
maybe environmental pollution^^
the global warming...this are the current issues^^


I think so.


Farman was a pet project of mine. An experiment, if you will.


Farman was E_S, I think. Actually, that's probably the most surprising twist I've seen in this whole saga. I genuinely liked him o_o

Firstly, Seneschal

The username is here for a reason, please use it. Secondly, I made this account for the sole purpose of having a blast at this guy, and if you don't like it, too bad.

I ain't gonna repeat any of my rants, I ain't gonna bother calling you anything, and I certainly couldn't give a damn if anybody here doesn't like me. My mapping is average? I would agree. I don't care, and you're definitely better. It don't matter, NUMA is of insignificant importance to me.

Well, I've got better things to do than argue with people over the internet, or even to boast about how I pretend to be a legend. Haha. See you all later.


Farman /was/ evil_sire.

beat ya to it ;P

and it probably is Farman...he was a douche.


GHM is right
its fun to talk^^ together
this are the early hours of the first official NUMA CHAT^^
I bet this kid is actually not a dick and is using the internet to experiment and see what happens. Classic troll. You're not very good at successfully being a dick, by the way.

go ahead we care

Krashio go to this site [] download.
Fill out the name thing and e-mail and nickname part.
then hit ok. Then in the type bar put
then put
/join #n-mapping
and your there. XD

Haha, seneschal.

Evil_Sire's never going to go. He's going to be universally revered as a douche no matter how many accounts he has, and I don't mind having a laugh at his expense some times.

But this guy's alright. :)


Tom (I assume it's you, since I cringe at the thought of there being more than person who uses NUMA and acts like you do), please just leave. You're going to get (permanently) banned soon (again), and frankly, no-one here likes you. Your mapping ability is about average, and many of the people you accuse of being crap are actually at least as good at you are, if not better (at mapping). I'm not going to repeat my rant at you from the other map, but I suggest you read it: []. And if you don't take it to heart, and learn from your (many) mistakes, then I lose all hope of ever being able to regard you as a decent human being.

What chat?

How'd I get onto it?

No, don't leave!

We need more new users to take initiative and innovate such a boring site.


Shut the fuck up everybody. Another attention whore (like myself) who's getting exactly what he desires; people insulting him. Just STOP and all his fun will STOP. Trust me, I know.


Thank you for coming into this delightful argument.
<Geej15> he hates the site now
<Geej15> lulz
<Geej15> like we were in the wrong or something?
<fireburnsfree> and I hope he gets diabled
<Geej15> itdidnt start out as hating on him
<Geej15> lol he made us hate on him
<fireburnsfree> no I just hated his maps lol
<Geej15> he insulted us and we dont take that shit laying down
<fireburnsfree> lol I don't take shit period XD
<Geej15> me neither