Annihilation Process

Thumbnail of the map 'Annihilation Process'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags annihilation author:erik-player collab process rated ship
Created 2009-09-17
Last Modified 2009-09-17
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This was a collab between mahi_mahi and I a couple of months back. I thought I had lost it during the wiping of my computer, but I stumbled on it yesterday! Riobe gave me some hints.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Space in Between' Thumbnail of the map 'Discontented Pieces' Thumbnail of the map 'Rundown Grace: Unwound and not running' Thumbnail of the map 'Dilapidated: Wounded and running' Thumbnail of the map 'Through our Broken Providence' Thumbnail of the map 'Hero'
Space in Between Discontented Pieces Rundown Grace: Unwound and not running Dilapidated: Wounded and running Through our Broken Providence Hero


Pages: (0)


I just stumbled across this, lol.

agg so close!

its cool to go around. i like this map its rather fun to play =D

2222 =O
Demo Data

Cool tiles.

Dont like the big cross of gold.