56-0 Forgotten Language

Thumbnail of the map '56-0 Forgotten Language'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags author:chrdrenkmann episode playable series unrated
Created 2009-09-16
Last Modified 2009-09-16
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 'cause simplicity is cool.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '54-4 Tomorrow The Sun Will Rise Again' Thumbnail of the map '55-0 Ray Vs. Shield' Thumbnail of the map '55-1 Hard Decision' Thumbnail of the map '55-2 Sinking In' Thumbnail of the map '55-3 Mutation' Thumbnail of the map '55-4 Wumbo'
54-4 Tomorrow The Sun Will Rise Again 55-0 Ray Vs. Shield 55-1 Hard Decision 55-2 Sinking In 55-3 Mutation 55-4 Wumbo


Pages: (0)

I like highscore this. 5
but it was perhaps a tad easy. However, I didn't try for an AGD. 3/5

Quicker Speedrun.
Demo Data

No problem.

Critique helps.^^
It just was not very fun. A little bit tedious.

Faster speedrun

Demo Data


Demo Data

sure is.

which is why you are one of my fave authors. 4.

Slow AGD

Demo Data