Comments on "300"

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nice tiles!

I don't know about gameplay (yet).
And congrats on 300!

Tyronster, when in NEditor, placing mines, press "Z" to place them closer. It's called Z-snapping (the other snappings are x and c).


Perfect as aesthetics, and as gameplay. It's a really hard balance to get.

Demo Data

For Sparta!

Awsome dude, how do you place objects like mines so close to each other like you do in the 300.


DW40, What is your profession?

Holy crap.

I love you.

Well done on 300

The tiles and the little "300" in the corner are good. The gameplay is fairly unremarkable, but by no means bad. Well done, I give it 3.5 up.

I had trouble with getting the mouth right
Not as good in full (mainly the mouth area). Gameplay was okay.

Congrats on 300! :D


300 maps good job. love the tile set. 4
