
Thumbnail of the map 'Non-finish'

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Author e3ee3e33e
Tags author:e3ee3e33e puzzle rated
Created 2009-09-12
Last Modified 2009-09-12
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description NOTE: PLAY IN NED!
an easier puzzle map. inspired by sept [], so a dedication to him. Also, this map is a dedication to: karmap0lice [] for beating everyone's demos on Velocity []. Good luck on this map. demo provided.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'XYZ' Thumbnail of the map 'Grey skylines turning greyer' Thumbnail of the map 'ima rip out your eyes' Thumbnail of the map 'Insense' Thumbnail of the map '/\/\0|_|/\/5+a' Thumbnail of the map 'Velocity'
XYZ Grey skylines turning greyer ima rip out your eyes Insense /\/\0|_|/\/5+a Velocity


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Used very well

oh I see, I just read the description, this is really cool


no matter what, it shows only a completed demo
Demo Data

Oh very clever

i get it, when u jump on the launch pad u dont complete it, but the demo will never work so ppl can view it i dont think
Demo Data

I see it's for nreality, but either my nreality isn't working, or the map isn't. Seeing as both you and meta have agd's, I'm guessing the doors move back and forth, not sure.

I don't understand how this map works, I can't get pass the first set of doors, neither of your demos get passed it either :/

Thanks for the ded :)
Demo Data


I have one of these too.

All gold

Slow at the end.
Demo Data
that bounce-pads bring you back into the game after you have completed it. This bug is only present in ned so this map won't work on nreality or userlevels

here got past the first clump. i assure you my demo works.
Demo Data

are you using latest version of n?


impossible to pass the first clump of doors. Your demo doesn't even get past them.

near completion, it shows you what to do though.
Demo Data