
Thumbnail of the map 'Mello'

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Author darkcrusader
Tags author:darkcrusader death death-note n-art nonplayable note rated
Created 2009-09-03
Last Modified 2009-09-04
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description I have experimented with different objects, so this might not be as good as the others. Mello fans, this is for you.

After Edit: I purposely omitted the scar. I like him better without it. Besides, he didn't always have it.

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Though it ruins the map in fullscreen.

...I never did like Mello >.>


i brought it up to a 5!

I omitted the scar.

I like him better without it. I probably should have put that in the description, but I had worked on that all day and was tired.

I know this guy

...I don't really like deathnote anymore. but you are getting good at n-art... keep at it


this is pretty amazing


agree with

a lot of what Avatar Fanatic said... dont know what mellow is, and about the hair brightness too.


you got some great N-art death note stuff

lol, great! once again, you just forgot the scar on his face, excellent otherwise

Pretty good

...even though I don't know what Mello is (sorry). The hair is a little too bright though. 4/5