Gyilkosság Vision: Clockwork Telek

Thumbnail of the map 'Gyilkosság Vision: Clockwork Telek'

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Author toasters
Tags action author:toasters losttortuga playable rated
Created 2009-08-30
Last Modified 2009-08-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description "Collaboration" with Losttortuga. Really I was more of a glorified playtester, but it doesn't matter because this map is hot.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect' Thumbnail of the map 'I Love a Magician' Thumbnail of the map 'A Cheery Wave from Stranded Youngsters' Thumbnail of the map 'Panic' Thumbnail of the map '0078h' Thumbnail of the map 'Amongst the Madness'
Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect I Love a Magician A Cheery Wave from Stranded Youngsters Panic 0078h Amongst the Madness


Pages: (0)

I took it, and revised the map. Could you please look at it? I really want to get better.


<Blackson> This is kinda neat.
No such nick/channel
No such nick/channel

just saying,

you actually have the most irregular rating overview thing in your profile i've seen. mm


keep your voice down, dude.
Twisted shepherd.



That's a cool name. Where'd you come up with it?