Room with Slidey Bench

Thumbnail of the map 'Room with Slidey Bench'

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Author Geej15
Tags author:geej15 drones small unrated
Created 2009-08-27
Last Modified 2009-08-27
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Small map... relatively easy in itself, the problem comes when you go for an AGD... its a little bit harder ;D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cramped Quarters' Thumbnail of the map 'Ill take the small shuriken' Thumbnail of the map 'Kindly Obstruction' Thumbnail of the map 'Ellipse of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Glass House' Thumbnail of the map 'My Mini Missile'
Cramped Quarters Ill take the small shuriken Kindly Obstruction Ellipse of Doom Glass House My Mini Missile


Pages: (0)

All gold

124 frames, pretty fast.
Demo Data


someone just rates 0 on my map so that it goes farther down the list and theirs gets closer to the top of the list? or is someone just bein a jerk-off and not posting why they hate it so much?