Ridges Dilemma

Thumbnail of the map 'Ridges Dilemma'

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Author Flubberdoodl
Tags author:flubberdoodl dilemma rated ridges
Created 2009-08-27
Last Modified 2009-08-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Lots of ridges. You have a dilemma. Get it? Got it? Good. RCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCERCE. Oh and could someone tell me how to post demo data? Thanks. And there is a slight chance this isn't possible. Sorry I'm not that good of a map maker.

Other maps by this author

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Curvy Corners Guyman Ring Around The Neenja Pasta Is Unspeakable Stupid Test Diamond in the Rough


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I liked :)
Demo Data
and yes, this is generic, and rather boring. more excitement please.

Dah, poop!!!

Stinkin' gausses!!! I didn't think it was all that generic. I rate it a 3/5. Cool.
Demo Data
im not that great at map making and im not a map making god like....idk good people!



Fun, yet boring?

Idiot. You should make something more extravagant. This is nice and a little fun, but generic to the extreme.


comment please


about hug thing



come one, play it!

please??? BEST AGD GETS A HUG (virtually)


kinda fun... i thought i was a little boring tho =|
Demo Data