There was an error, or nothing was found.

Thumbnail of the map 'There was an error, or nothing was found.'

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Author Leaff
Tags action author:leaff monorails rated
Created 2009-08-22
Last Modified 2009-08-22
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description The tiles are two monorails crashing "a kickass box with shards pointing out of it" and the floorguards are crazy people freaked out and running around and the gold is gold.
Title by morvone.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It won't be long.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Shrine' Thumbnail of the map 'And the Idol awaketh' Thumbnail of the map 'Banana Hammock' Thumbnail of the map 'Heretic' Thumbnail of the map 'Here you go, Riobe.'
It won't be long. The Shrine And the Idol awaketh Banana Hammock Heretic Here you go, Riobe.


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Demo Data


This is fun.
Demo Data

Slowass AGD

I mostly messed up at the end.
I like this, I felt all the different sections of the map meshed well together. I especially like the mine placement.
Also, "the gold is gold" is classic XD.
Demo Data

it lacks flow

but has quite a few good jumps. 3.5 ^
and then it gets awkward D: 3.5
Demo Data


it had some good ideas.. but it turned out rather bad. i'd work on enemy placement if I were you.
getting about your reviews?


Fun, but something was missing. 4.
Demo Data

morvone's a beast


they're freaked out by a box XD