
Thumbnail of the map 'Desicration'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author infernoXV8
Tags action author:infernoxv8 fun gold hard rated rockets
Created 2009-08-17
Last Modified 2009-08-17
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Fun

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Getting Back in the action' Thumbnail of the map 'High Submit' Thumbnail of the map 'Forbidden Area' Thumbnail of the map 'Collosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Interrupted' Thumbnail of the map 'Mechanal'
Getting Back in the action High Submit Forbidden Area Collosis Interrupted Mechanal


Pages: (0)

Nice work. That's better then me. =/
Anyways, I'll play the map in a bit.


fun, but really hard
but I don't know, why your map Mechanal got no attention... I think it's eye-catching ;)

this map is really hard... up to now, I didn't complete it
but got mostly for them no comments or ratings. Please can someone comment on my newest ones? like Mechanal and Occulus and Interrupted