The inconvenient Truth(s):

Thumbnail of the map 'The inconvenient Truth(s):'

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Author Diamondeye
Tags author:diamondeye cynic rated
Created 2009-08-09
Last Modified 2009-08-09
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description -This map took around one minute to make, but is better than half of the other maps it is hotlisted with.
-Nevertheless, it will recieve only 3 RCE's - max
-Half of you reading this won't care

Welcome to NUMA!
RCE, please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Three Nails in a Coffin' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mountain Temple' Thumbnail of the map 'Barbed Wire' Thumbnail of the map 'Is that...' Thumbnail of the map 'Recircling' Thumbnail of the map 'Where Wires Meet'
Three Nails in a Coffin The Mountain Temple Barbed Wire Is that... Recircling Where Wires Meet


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Even with three five's, that map is going to get rated a three because of snipers. And it has nowhere near the same amount of comments as this.


Lots of time, playtesting and innovation. Prove my negativity wrong. It's 3rd on the hotmaps already.
Demo Data


My gripe was that my former maps, that deserved attention, were ignored. I spent plenty of time on 'Recircling' and 'Barbed Wire' - they have the same amount of comments as this 1mm. Can I legitimately be pissed now, in your book?


"I didn't feel like putting a ton of work into something that won't get the proper attention."
that is just dumb on so many levels. don't put effort in your maps - you have no right to complain if they get ignored. spend some time working on your maps and they still get ignored - now you can legitimately be pissed of.
but submitting a steaming pile of crap with a taunting, semi-clever description to get people to look at your map won't solve anything.
also, a bad rating on a bad map is not a snipe.

Well, technically that's only 4/9, because you can't really count this map. But I thought the 'Easy? 2' one was okay - about level with this. The others, this one is definitely better than.

And you get a lot more attention if you go around the forums some. There's a Comment/Rating thing - you comment or rate the map above you then you can post a map you want commented/rated. At any rate, it's not like N will have a really huge community, so of course sometimes maps will just slip away without any notice.

And, personally, I appreciate maps more when I know someone put a lot of work into it. It's why I'm a bit of a fan of N-Art.


Yes, half. The two Donald Duck maps, The 'easy' one, and the "I HATE SCHOOL" one. At least. I am aware that it is void. I didn't feel like putting a ton of work into something that won't get the proper attention. I know it sounds arrogant.

I forgot...

"This map will be sniped like hell".


It's good, I'll give you that, but better than half of the other maps?

The only thing that makes this map in any way good is that the rocket launcher and gauss turrets are set up in such perfect positions to cause frustration.

Other than that it is a bare, lonely map, void of any special type of difficulty. It doesn't get the player thinking so much - and I'm not sure if I could call this very unique or original.

Overall, I rate it a 3. Your use of the rocket launcher and gauss turret is pretty nice, but it's also a bit overdone making it hard to get onto the thwump. And, especially, it's barren.


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