So Close Yet So Far

Thumbnail of the map 'So Close Yet So Far'

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Author slayr
Tags author:slayr invertedrollercoatserthing race unrated
Created 2009-07-29
Last Modified 2009-07-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A race i made for my friend at 4:30 AM, and i thougt i shuld put it on NUMA

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fun with i' Thumbnail of the map 'Nmap comeback' Thumbnail of the map 'Abernathy the Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'E-tiles like me(and so does everything else)' Thumbnail of the map 'Symmetricality' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Stricken'
Fun with i Nmap comeback Abernathy the Ninja E-tiles like me(and so does everything else) Symmetricality Mine Stricken


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ill giv u that, but this was at 4:30 am i wasnt thinking right. and this isnt that bad. also its been like the 5th or 6th time its happened.

ur not getting sniped ur just not making races well. have a look at some other race creators like rit0987 yungerkid Riobe da_man894 _destiny^- magirocker