Strategically Placed Tripwire

Thumbnail of the map 'Strategically Placed Tripwire'

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Tags author:palemoon lmc3 rated
Created 2009-07-18
Last Modified 2009-07-18
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description P: prince valiant! oh prince VAAAAAAAAAALIANNNNNNNNNNT!

V: I'm here, princess! Let down your hair!

P: i'm so sorry dear! there's a plexiglass window here! it's very large and impossible to break!

V: ...

P: valiant dearest, could you possibly storm the castle and vanquish the evil, cretinous guards armed with High-Calibur Armor-Peircing automatic assault weaponry?

V: Oh, Er... Ow! I seem to have... tripped on this strategically placed tripwire! Oh Gods above, the pain i am feeling right now is IMMENSE!

P: ...

V: Can you possibly come down yourself? I'm sure it isn't TOO hard to break out of your own castle! Use your feminine wiles to distract the guards!

P: *rolls eyes*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '0453-3: Optic Barrel' Thumbnail of the map '|<4c7Uz' Thumbnail of the map 'Secret Hydroponics Lab' Thumbnail of the map 'High Rise' Thumbnail of the map 'MAI WAIFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'who's hungry?'
0453-3: Optic Barrel |<4c7Uz Secret Hydroponics Lab High Rise MAI WAIFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who's hungry?


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I love

your stealth maps like this

cool story bro

I like the story, but the gold didnt fit in with it, which was weird. I would've taken out the gold and left the rest the same. Really fun, cool story, map was cool, style was nice, a bit easy peasy though. A sequel would be uber cool, with like, a bigger castle, a little more room to manuever, and some more chainguns. And a drawbridge. You've done sequels before, so i would think it wouldnt be so difficult to do so. Im sorry about no apostrophes I gnawed my right pinky off while trying to remember how to spell manuever. I think I got it tho.

Nice map.

although the first chaingun was hard to get pass....
Demo Data

Very enjoyable.

Love the stealth aspect. I'd love it was a little more expanded, though.


now you're subbing a mix of those awesome tileset maps and raw gameplay maps, which is exactly what i love to see from you! woo :D


my lol this was very tough...4/5 for great placement though

i hate

chainguns D:

4/5 though, it's kinda nice

And some



I like the story, but the gold didnt fit in with it, which was weird. I would've taken out the gold and left the rest the same. Really fun, cool story, map was cool, style was nice, a bit easy peasy though. A sequel would be uber cool, with like, a bigger castle, a little more room to manuever, and some more chainguns. And a drawbridge. You've done sequels before, so i would think it wouldnt be so difficult to do so.
Demo Data

Okay thanks

Bit faster demo but still slow :D
Demo Data

Bad demo

I love this map, nice dodging action!
Demo Data


well, the demo data is long gone now.

This demo is close

You know how I feel about your chaingun-drone maps. What, are you sucking up to me? 4/5