the most violent commodity

Thumbnail of the map 'the most violent commodity'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sneekfeet
Tags author:sneekfeet playable simple unrated
Created 2009-07-13
Last Modified 2009-07-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description hm. experimenting with new ideas and thoughts.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'see my head, that's my head' Thumbnail of the map 'MONSTER!' Thumbnail of the map 'machi' Thumbnail of the map 'life as a capitalist barbarian' Thumbnail of the map 'hey dodgeball mind your mother' Thumbnail of the map 'AWOL (around the world)'
see my head, that's my head MONSTER! machi life as a capitalist barbarian hey dodgeball mind your mother AWOL (around the world)


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faster demo, and also an agd
Demo Data


Demo Data
I'm just toying with what effects/ideas I should add to my gameplay next.

You did well, son.

I don't like maps like this though 'cause I don't have the motivation to beat them.. Hehe. This looked really good. I didn't like the thwumps much but I liked the zap. Check out my maps some time.

Keep it up!
Demo Data

I liked it, its nice and simple, but there isn't a single new thing here
Demo Data