Cracking in the room

Thumbnail of the map 'Cracking in the room'

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Author Narutofan10299
Tags author:narutofan10299 enemies room secured unrated
Created 2009-07-13
Last Modified 2009-07-13
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description get in the room secured by enemies and open the door.

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IMO you should go for something more aesthetically pleasing.

lol yeah!!! I love bleach, the latest, I think 226, was amaaaazzingg! I also watched all of onepiece, pretty good, its insane where it's at up to date lol. yes, I love anime

naruto is great, I'm still on the first one, I haven't started shipuudun yet, but its sick. I heard deathnote was pretty good, I'm watching that after I'm done with these last 30 episodes, plus the 100+ of shipuudun :D