Mine JumpShit Speedcore Mashup

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine JumpShit Speedcore Mashup'

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Author Conen__TG_
Tags author:conen__tg_ conen jumper mine-jumper speedcore speedruns unrated
Created 2009-07-10
Last Modified 2009-07-10
Map Data

Description It's a mine-jumper designed for speedruns... WOAAAAAAAH!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gurubashi Mound' Thumbnail of the map 'Captain Fabulosos Cave Of Hair' Thumbnail of the map 'PARTY RESPONSE UNIT (Plz Look At This)' Thumbnail of the map 'Stir Fry Jungle' Thumbnail of the map 'SANDWICH FIEND' Thumbnail of the map 'CRUSH QUEST'
Gurubashi Mound Captain Fabulosos Cave Of Hair PARTY RESPONSE UNIT (Plz Look At This) Stir Fry Jungle SANDWICH FIEND CRUSH QUEST


Pages: (0)

because that is like a 1/1000000 jump.


this is pretty fun. Quite addictive. Here's a speedrun.
Demo Data
But I'm doing it just for you.

you never fail to amaze Meta.


Demo Data

what about them...

the fact that they all really suck?

this is a toughie

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