The Dark Half: 0-30

Thumbnail of the map 'The Dark Half: 0-30'

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Author Meatpuppet
Tags author:meatpuppet dark-half unrated
Created 2009-07-07
Last Modified 2009-07-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a quarter of the town has left.
a quarter of the town has been taken.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Driving Into The First Galaxy' Thumbnail of the map 'smpl chlng' Thumbnail of the map 'Bear Hands' Thumbnail of the map 'The Dark Half: A Prequel' Thumbnail of the map 'TDH: 0-10' Thumbnail of the map 'The Dark Half: 0-20'
Driving Into The First Galaxy smpl chlng Bear Hands The Dark Half: A Prequel TDH: 0-10 The Dark Half: 0-20


Pages: (0)

don't like it.

Alot of the map is well made, but many spots are too difficult* for the rest of the map, especially for such a long map.
*difficulty isn't the problem exactly, it's just the mine placement, and how small, exact movements are needed, sometimes in the wrong places, sometimes disrupting flow.

I may have not thoroughly explained my point. Tell me first if you understand or not, or whether or not you agree, before I give my rating.

nice aesthetics

I like them mostly because they have flow. The mines looked kinda bad in some places, but the enemy placement was quite good.