Tunneling Snakes

Thumbnail of the map 'Tunneling Snakes'

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Author MattyMc13
Tags action author:mattymc13 flow fun hybrid race rated
Created 2009-06-29
Last Modified 2009-06-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A map I feel that is a race/action hybrid.
Please Rate, Comment and Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Regenerated Meal' Thumbnail of the map 'Underground Siege' Thumbnail of the map 'A Gentle Hum From Below' Thumbnail of the map 'Ashes and Rubble' Thumbnail of the map 'Tumbling In the Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'The Claws of Doom'
Regenerated Meal Underground Siege A Gentle Hum From Below Ashes and Rubble Tumbling In the Sky The Claws of Doom


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nice demo geckos

that's kinda what I wanted this map to be:a find your own flow map

By the way,

I'm not saying that this map gets a 3/5 only because it is a racey action map, as opposed to an actioney race map. I'm saying it gets 3/5 because as a racey action map, it's really sort of repetitive, and there really isn't too much flow to be found, especially in the leftmost part of the map. The rightmost part was good, though.

Well, MattyMc13,

I think there is a continuum between race maps and action maps, with actioney race maps being what I said and racey action maps being what you said (and what this is).


I believe that in r/a maps, you must find your own flow amongst the action there is in the map. And that is what the challenge, in my opinion, that there is in the map.


not great... 3/5.
it's funny how my flow (same route but slightly different flow) was faster AND more flowy than ur intended flow...
demo on Nreality...
In my opinion, the flow in this level is too sparse, blunt, and undefined; it seems almost sort of like a really abstract action-ey race-ish thing. In the end, though, what is it other than an action map with a little flow? I'm going to judge it for what it is, and give it a 3/5.

What, then, is a good r/a hybrid after all? In my opinion, a real r/a hybrid is a map that requires motions and actions associated with the "action" genre execute a flow. These kinds of races in general probably cannot be as flowy as pure race maps, but therein lies the challenge: Incorporating action elements while maintaining a good flow. Note that r/a hybrids need not necessarily be abstract---abstraction lies in making the flow less obvious (no sweeping curves, no obvious stuff like that), but not necessarily making it less flowy, although this is a common result.

The r/a hybrid is a good genre, and hopefully it will grow, but people need to also understand what a good r/a hybrid is, too. We already know what a good race is, but hey, this is the future!

Simple is good too :)
yet I didn't. This map didn't take really long to make, I kinda tried to make it simple.

I really don't like hybrids that much, and this one, although repetitive and unexciting, I quite like it.
The tiles we're Ok, but not great, you should try to create an athmosphere kind of thing. 3/5 :)

here's my demo

to show the intended path
Demo Data