
Thumbnail of the map 'eternity'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fishsicles
Tags author:fishsicles playable rated there-and-back zaps
Created 2009-06-25
Last Modified 2009-06-25
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I got back last night, made this map. Resuming regular mapping schedule after this. It looks sorta like the infinity symbol (hence the name), and I'm betting that someone out there can make a decent race map out of it. You are blatantly encouraged to use this tile set in a race map!

This is a simple there-and-back, not very fancy. The drones are surfacefollow, but there are also paths for random/dumb drones, I may post another map using those paths.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'autonomy' Thumbnail of the map 'endless' Thumbnail of the map 'useless pursuits' Thumbnail of the map 'epiphany' Thumbnail of the map 'shattering cry' Thumbnail of the map 'unkempt'
autonomy endless useless pursuits epiphany shattering cry unkempt


Pages: (0)

faved for later reference :)


I love the tileset and overall it is really good - i would have said 5/5 but it was just a little too hard for my skill level (ie pathetic).
Very good tho