Crossing The Red Sea

Thumbnail of the map 'Crossing The Red Sea'

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Author This_Suck
Tags action author:this_suck beatable gold medium playable unrated
Created 2009-06-25
Last Modified 2009-06-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Build the bridge to get across.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'X-Games' Thumbnail of the map 'Avalanche' Thumbnail of the map 'My First DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Big Circle' Thumbnail of the map 'The Great Escape' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce House'
X-Games Avalanche My First DDA Big Circle The Great Escape Bounce House


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seriously didnt u just sign up on numa like 2 weeks ago and u hav like thirty maps....
Literally. There is a glitch with the locked doors on the left. They permanently block entrance to the "Red Sea," even after you open them. Aero's right, cut the mines in half. Also, fix the glitched doors, and cut the amount of locks in half, and this map will be pretty cool.

theyre right

you dont need so much gold and mines, but it was cool how you didnt make a perfect slope into the red sea. It makes it more realistic.

its kinda cool but

could you update it with about half the mines? I know you want it to look like the red sea but if you delete every other mine it should still look good but remove the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag which makes it hard to play.


You spammed gold and mines hard.