just plane mean 2

Thumbnail of the map 'just plane mean 2'

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Author pizzatom
Tags author:pizzatom hard unrated
Created 2009-06-25
Last Modified 2009-06-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 'hard and mean no 'helps' here

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'spike land' Thumbnail of the map 'quick death' Thumbnail of the map 'strategy needed' Thumbnail of the map 'plane dangerous' Thumbnail of the map 'just plane mean' Thumbnail of the map 'the guantlet 2'
spike land quick death strategy needed plane dangerous just plane mean the guantlet 2


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Find it hard

getting all the gold :(
Demo Data


Fist of all, you need to drop the corn-cob gold style. Doesn't look good when gold is in clumps.

Second, You can only have 2 maps on the Hot Maps page, so wait until one gets pushed off.

Third, if you want the player to go up the one-ways, you should block off the bottom 4 tiles of the walls. The player can otherwise just walljump upwards.

Fourth, one gauss turret will suffice you here. :P