Comments on "Be Mine"

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some examples of what generic is imo: da_man riobe, da_man magirocker riobe

generic isnt always boring, as long as the enemies are good and the flow is fast.

races that arent generic are ones that use creative or different jumps, and dont have loops everywhere. i would put most of your races in this category. not all non-generic races are abstract. these maps claim to be abstract but i dont think they are: destiny riobe

not all non-generic races are abstract.
general definition of abstract imo: races where there is more freedom in the execution of flow. wulfgangs races are the best examples.

thats what i think of the whole generic/abstract thing :D

what is generic?
as are everything else, but I really didn't like the left chimney, as it felt as bit too low. I also found this race a bit too generic, and had too many one ways. Overall though, I believe you are becoming a very good race maker.