
Thumbnail of the map 'Thither'

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Author skyline356
Tags action author:skyline356 cec double-adventure playable rockets unrated
Created 2009-06-15
Last Modified 2009-06-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A double adventure rocket map with two distinct gameplay sections. Play just one, or both if you'd rather.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Borrowed Shard' Thumbnail of the map 'Bitter Root (Growth)' Thumbnail of the map 'skyline' Thumbnail of the map 'A River Could Be Loved' Thumbnail of the map 'Shard Planet' Thumbnail of the map 'Flame Trigger'
Borrowed Shard Bitter Root (Growth) skyline A River Could Be Loved Shard Planet Flame Trigger


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i agree.

remove one.

too many rockets

on the bottom

No thanks?

gold up the top, while provided more opportunity to strategy and all, was kinda. lazily placed, and could of been thought about a bit more allow funner AGD paths, and not have any particularly annoying pieces.

mines round the bottom exit, ugly and.. well just annoying. not fun. or tricky. i mean, if they did actually get you, it'd be at the end of a run. which is.. well. obviously super annoying. just. yeah. don't like em.

but pretty cool map. No rate. I don't think i will rate anyones maps much anymore unless requested to. i can't be fucked anymore haha ....


took me a while to get a demo this smooth.
Demo Data

Nice tiles, wished the left part was a bit fatter. Gameplay was nice, I just wasn't a fan of where the ninja started, agd was fun but I was not a fan of the gold line up top
Demo Data