Smoke and Fire

Thumbnail of the map 'Smoke and Fire'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Njitsu
Tags action author:njitsu fire playable rated smoke
Created 2009-06-12
Last Modified 2009-06-12
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Hmm.....

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shrapnel in the Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'Rivet City' Thumbnail of the map 'Space Age Metropolis' Thumbnail of the map 'AD 2500' Thumbnail of the map 'Chicken?' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Magic'
Shrapnel in the Sky Rivet City Space Age Metropolis AD 2500 Chicken? Black Magic


Pages: (0)

Faster speed.

You beat me by frames, but my demo was an AGD.
Demo Data


beat you meta

three frames
Demo Data


my speediest demo.

by the way, this map rocks, I love the mines and the idea.

Demo Data


He blows up after he hits the door, but who gives a shit :p
Demo Data

Kind of

like this.
Demo Data


Pretty fast. I'm trying to see if there's a faster way to do the end.
Demo Data

can ya post

a demo?

I love the look of circular mines and the tileset was good 4.5 so... 5