I wish I could find a reason to move on

Thumbnail of the map 'I wish I could find a reason to move on'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Aju
Tags action author:aju gauss laser playable rated rockets
Created 2009-06-08
Last Modified 2009-06-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Man. I tinkered with this one a little bit and I really think I'm onto something with this map. It's really something else. I can't help but just enjoy it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This isn't me' Thumbnail of the map 'As fun as a one sided conversation' Thumbnail of the map 'Not quite jealousy' Thumbnail of the map 'Vague drug references' Thumbnail of the map 'At least she probably loved me' Thumbnail of the map 'You were never worth it'
This isn't me As fun as a one sided conversation Not quite jealousy Vague drug references At least she probably loved me You were never worth it


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instant 5ave
Demo Data

Good Gameplay

But the Square tiles are clumsy to play on. Other than that, great. 4/5


those thwumps are killin' me!
kinda cool looking. Nice play