
Thumbnail of the map 'Conglomeration'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author swipenet
Tags action agd author:swipenet easy fun gauss rated
Created 2009-06-02
Last Modified 2009-06-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Nice one mate.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Constricted' Thumbnail of the map 'Slizzer' Thumbnail of the map 'Atypical Unusuality' Thumbnail of the map 'Preservation' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 9' Thumbnail of the map 'Precipice'
Constricted Slizzer Atypical Unusuality Preservation Simple Challenge 9 Precipice


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You know I think if u discarded the rules and had some drones going around the middle, adding blue colour it would look more professional than it does with just that yellow from the many golds

Turned out really cool

Decent AGD

Thanks :)

Here are the specifications for this level:

The level must:
1. Be playable,
2. Be reasonable in terms of difficulty,
3. Have 50 pieces of gold, 6 locked door switches, 15 mines and 4 gauss turrets,
4. Be rotationally symmetrical, and
5. Make use of only isosceles triangle and square tiles.
Demo Data

first try death

but i had also 3/4 of the gold..-.-
much fun!
Demo Data


reminds me of these old action maps from the userlevels..

Slow AGD

Demo Data