True Pinball

Thumbnail of the map 'True Pinball'

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Author Njitsu
Tags action author:njitsu pinball playable rocket true unrated
Created 2009-06-01
Last Modified 2009-06-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A lot of the pinball maps out there are total crap. I tried to make this one a bit better by NOT SPAMMING JUMP PADS, and just adding more cool rocket dodge opportunities :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'IDKW2CT' Thumbnail of the map 'Juggle' Thumbnail of the map 'Juggle V2.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Sideways Juggle' Thumbnail of the map '2-0 : shafted' Thumbnail of the map '2-1 : satan's equalizer'
IDKW2CT Juggle Juggle V2.0 Sideways Juggle 2-0 : shafted 2-1 : satan's equalizer


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I like it.. again.
Demo Data


Oh hey I commented on this thing before... I don't remember doing that.
Demo Data


AGDs arn't my thing... but fun and quick to load. 5/5
Demo Data

Go for AGD ^^