Iron Baron

Thumbnail of the map 'Iron Baron'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags 9 author:palemoon nomoons rated
Created 2009-05-30
Last Modified 2009-05-30
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description from NOMOONS.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Solar Array Control Tower' Thumbnail of the map 'We Control' Thumbnail of the map 'LOLICONTROL BATTLESTATION' Thumbnail of the map 'safeT' Thumbnail of the map 'impuls3' Thumbnail of the map 'anglercloud'
Solar Array Control Tower We Control LOLICONTROL BATTLESTATION safeT impuls3 anglercloud


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

2nd try agd..

gogo make two thousand maps.. =]
Demo Data


I just realized you're almost by your 1000th map. *hyperventilates

Anyway. Agreed that the map doesn't look great, but the chainguns and your use of one-ways made up for it. I don't like it when objects are NaN'd, but that didn't spoil the map.

i loved

no moons

slow third try AGD

swanky map. A little plain looking, but invigorating chaingun gameplay.. niice stuff.
Demo Data

Demo Data