Tileset on wheels

Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset on wheels'

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Author Geej15
Tags author:geej15 n-art on tileset unrated wheels
Created 2009-05-28
Last Modified 2009-05-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Another Quickie Tileset. More of an N-art

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Googolplex Caverns' Thumbnail of the map '58437394' Thumbnail of the map 'ZOSO Map' Thumbnail of the map 'ZOSO Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Crown of Three Kings' Thumbnail of the map 'Half Baked Tileset'
Googolplex Caverns 58437394 ZOSO Map ZOSO Tileset Crown of Three Kings Half Baked Tileset


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but no matter how much time i put into a map , no matter how good it is, this one guy (the only person who rates my maps at all anyway) keeps giving me a 0 its slightly annoying


down, I will give you a 3 for effort.


the fuck you are... why do you keep ratin 0 on all my maps?