Dusty and Pistol Pete

Thumbnail of the map 'Dusty and Pistol Pete'

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Author The_Snaffer
Tags action agd author:the_snaffer rocket unrated
Created 2009-05-26
Last Modified 2009-05-26
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Thumbnail of the map 'Original smooth moving environment' Thumbnail of the map 'Its like some things that are there' Thumbnail of the map 'This level is nice if you can do it.' Thumbnail of the map 'Another Gold Deathtrap' Thumbnail of the map 'When you fly its scary' Thumbnail of the map 'Sectret room in the Pyramid of Giza'
Original smooth moving environment Its like some things that are there This level is nice if you can do it. Another Gold Deathtrap When you fly its scary Sectret room in the Pyramid of Giza