colliding with reality

Thumbnail of the map 'colliding with reality'

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Author fishsicles
Tags author:fishsicles cavernosity-style interior mines playable thwumps unrated
Created 2009-05-18
Last Modified 2009-05-18
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map's original title was 'the best thing about dreamers is the sound they make when they collide with reality', but that was too long and too cynical (even for me). My first thwump map, more indoorsy stuff. Came out looking more mechanical than some of my other indoor maps.

EDIT: Might as well celebrate my twentieth map. Woot.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'twotm pre-beta nart, BETA LAUNCHED' Thumbnail of the map 'atrophy' Thumbnail of the map 'twisted oak' Thumbnail of the map 'unconcealed flaws' Thumbnail of the map 'that which remains' Thumbnail of the map 'impossible ideas'
twotm pre-beta nart, BETA LAUNCHED atrophy twisted oak unconcealed flaws that which remains impossible ideas


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a different style please.