hope you like rockets

Thumbnail of the map 'hope you like rockets'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author notkitt
Tags 3 action author:notkitt mapdraft playable round unrated
Created 2009-05-09
Last Modified 2009-05-09
Map Data

Description mapdraft

4 Rockets
X Mines, where X is the total number of 'Eight,' 'One,' and 'Four' tiles you must place in your map.
1 Bounce Block

You can't place anything above the x-axis of your map, except for your Ninja, which can't be placed below (use the B, N, or M gridlines for reference).

13 non-'Six' Tiles of your choice
66 'Six' Tiles

1 Chain Gun Drone
2 Seeker Drones
11 Gold
2 Locked Doors
14 'E' Tiles
5 'Five' Tiles
*stuff i used*

Up to 714 'E' Tiles

5 Locked Doors
2 Trap Doors
4 Normal Doors

All of your Tiles must be touching exactly two other tiles (no more, no less). The edges of the map don't count as tiles.

2 Gauss Turrets
1 Chain Gun Drone
15 Gold
20 'E' Tiles
15 'One' Tiles

*stuff i didnt use*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Quite A Flambouyant Schoolboy' Thumbnail of the map 'Flight Condutor Joe' Thumbnail of the map 'blarglesunsun' Thumbnail of the map 'A well deserved thanks and recognition' Thumbnail of the map 'At least be happy' Thumbnail of the map '(almost) the finale'
Quite A Flambouyant Schoolboy Flight Condutor Joe blarglesunsun A well deserved thanks and recognition At least be happy (almost) the finale


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And what pun?
cause that avatar is from a game on the iphone/i,etc

@ demo

what eganic said.

you did well, notkitt.
Demo Data

yikes! `lol`

almost agd with some rad moves
Demo Data


difficult to AGD. i cant seem to do it, got close once but didn't make it back to the door.


map. Difficult but fun.


got a post this quick!