Grape le Vine

Thumbnail of the map 'Grape le Vine'

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Author MidnightGetaway
Tags action author:midnightgetaway featured rated
Created 2009-05-03
Last Modified 2009-05-03
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description I saw through the grape vine,
That you were all I needed.
And I heard through the grape vine,
That I was all you needed.

Then I went through the grape vine,
To find the life I wanted.
And when I got through the grape vine,
You were gone.

This map was featured on 2009-08-18

Repetition is a common theme on NUMA, and it’s no surprise considering the kind of maps it can produce. Grape le Vine is one such example, boasting a tendrilous tileset and difficult yet entertaining gameplay. So take a trip down to the Midnight Vineyard, where you’ll have the opportunity to parch your thirst, and maybe grab a little gold while you’re at it. — Seneschal

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Slap to the Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Decaying Away' Thumbnail of the map 'Arrowhead Stadium' Thumbnail of the map 'Red Southern Tides' Thumbnail of the map 'Catching Bullets with your Teeth' Thumbnail of the map 'Blazed'
Slap to the Face Decaying Away Arrowhead Stadium Red Southern Tides Catching Bullets with your Teeth Blazed


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i dont like it...

... i dont like maps with rockets unless they dont do much
but i dont care for the rockets like everyone else.


I hate rockets like this.

nice review ok map

the 3rd and 5th floor-guards were combined very nicely with the rockets like everyone else I hate the 2nd

Slow completion

Demo Data

The second FG

is completely out of whack with the difficulty curve. Aside from that, this is solid.

Not a fan of the look.
but the map was hard, don't think I didn't think that.

i dont like it

i uber-hate the asthetix
the second floorguard is my worst enemy
In fact I didn't really like the first section at all. The rest of it was good.


Grats again bro

i really

don't like it that much

but 3/5 because it looks pretty.


I was going to post a map with the same style called "Heard it Through the Grapvine" and post the lyrics as the description. ;_;

But, fun map. 5/5


It's ok. I'll play in more depth later tonight.
very nice map
though it was a nice review.

Very nice.

Well-created, and difficult, but passable. Faved with a 4.6!
probably doesn't like me either
The map is okay but it really picks up on the upper sections.

I believe reviewers should be at least SOMEWHAT COMPETENT before allowed to post their reviews. Leaff's review had another freakin' 6 hours on it.




on a side note

you're my favorite mapper right now; i think i've faved your last 15 maps. ridiculous.

oh shit

that's what i get for carelessness. near AGD anyway.
i liked everything about this.
Demo Data


a charlatan!

second floorgaurd

could have either been removed or maybe a bounceblock could have been placed to make that jump one hell of a lot easier. That was the hardest part of the entire map and it was kind of a shame because the rest of the map doesn't increase or decrease in difficulty much at all.

Still, faved. The design and execution were all very well done.


Fantastic design and execution, it looks great, it's fun, the enemies are well placed and chosen...
I absolutely love this.
A rare 5aved from me.
Although that second floorguard is a bitch.

All gold route.

The purely optional all gold route, of course.
Demo Data