Kiwi Juice
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Author | Loquacious369 |
Tags | author:loquacious369 flowy fun playable race rated |
Created | 2009-04-28 |
Last Modified | 2009-04-28 |
Rating |
3 by 19 people.
Map Data | |
Description | Well on this level i tried new concepts other than just loops... so it probably isn't as great as the others but still, have fun and plz rate!!! |
Other maps by this author
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A scale of suck-destiny.
And loquacious, it's like I've said - if you don't have much time, don't make a map every day. My first race took me three days of an hour or two a day of playtesting, adding, and playtesting some more, and it turned out really well. It's possible to do it with less time, just take more days.
And anyone in the top 2% of the population should be interested in constructive criticism, instead of getting angry when people say they're sub-par.
And loquacious, it's like I've said - if you don't have much time, don't make a map every day. My first race took me three days of an hour or two a day of playtesting, adding, and playtesting some more, and it turned out really well. It's possible to do it with less time, just take more days.
And anyone in the top 2% of the population should be interested in constructive criticism, instead of getting angry when people say they're sub-par.
just calm down... don't go crazy over one level
just calm down... don't go crazy over one level
I found this on the forums.
As of now, I'm only posting this because most NUMAs don't go o the forums. TnT, you're pissing me off. Karma and Klan are 100% merited to there feeback as it shows how they feel and gives some backbone on how to improve. Loq, your races are general bad. And considering I'm rating on a scale of suck-destiny, this falls about 1.5 steps above suck, saying destiny is 5. If you want to get better, you have to experiment. I've dabbled with some races, but most of them are 2.5s at the most. I'm not talented, but at least I try.
We're not professionals.
Real men learn their lessons the hard way.
u die if u go too fast in places...and this was pretty much all loops....
improvement from your last.
3.5 up
improvement from your last.
3.5 up
You have a point, but my advice is better... since its an advice from a professional leadership program course.
HA HA!!!
HA HA!!!
What karma said was entirely merited. Criticism with sugar on top is criticism that doesn't help very much. If you want to get better, you've gotta get a little bit of bluntness.
me again...
loquacious... nice fruit juice names!!!
i like the different types of fruits....
i like the different types of fruits....
karmap0lice ...
worst feedback I ever heard...
you're supposed to show the good parts of the person... aka achievements
then you NICELY tell them what they failed on...
Meanest person ever...
The level is actually pretty good
you're supposed to show the good parts of the person... aka achievements
then you NICELY tell them what they failed on...
Meanest person ever...
The level is actually pretty good
Looking at your other maps,
And looking at the other comments here, they've got it right for the most part. It's flowy and simple, but there's nothing new. Try creating a more unusual and interesting flow, maybe hard to find. Something to make your map stand out from all the others (and there are quite a few others, like the new Racepack. Look at that. There's some good stuff). Of course, I haven't made many maps myself (and no real races), but I've played enough that I think I can make these statements.
Exactly what karma said.
There's nothing at all interesting about this. It's just like you took the basic concept of a race and killed it dead, then put a rocket in it. Agreed with Destiny - loops aren't fun for anyone when they're overused. A race isn't all about being easy to follow the flow - some of the best races have difficult flow to find and follow, and they're actually hard. This isn't hard at all, nor is it fun.
Much better :)
You've made it a lot more fun by adding some variety. :)
Still, a few of my critisisms from before still apply - the flow is a bit rough round the edges in places. If you can die by going to fast thats generally a bad thing in a race!
Aesthetics is a biggie, please stop using the diagonal stripes!
Still, a few of my critisisms from before still apply - the flow is a bit rough round the edges in places. If you can die by going to fast thats generally a bad thing in a race!
Aesthetics is a biggie, please stop using the diagonal stripes!
Nice flow, but the first launchpad is placed kind of weirdly. I know your tried to get around it with the backwards loop, but you should make it more useable. The flow died for me at that bottom area with the rocket and the tight curve. Otherwise, it's good.
I don't understand how this possibly got 8 4's... This race is truly aweful, its as if you drew out a path, added tiles, and hoped for the best. This map has no flow whatsoever, i.e. the drop past the two rockets, the two thwumps on the floor (you cant go at full speed there). The look of the map is the exact same as all your other races, you truly need to spend more time on your races.
I think it's
A big generalisation to say 'less loops, better race' they're a staple of the genre for good reason. I'm sure they don't seem so tedious to newer players.
The less you use loops
The better your races will get. If you look at mine you'll see i (more or less) never make a loop. And if i do, I try to break to tiles up into sections so you cant tell it's a loop. Play some races by the popular race authors, and see how it is they make flow - there are so many more ways than loops you wouldnt beleive.
You've got potential to be brilliant, all it takes is a little experimenting ^^
You've got potential to be brilliant, all it takes is a little experimenting ^^
It wasnt very pretty, gold was overdone, some enemies didnt do much, and the flow was ordinary.
I still enjoyed it for some reason
I still enjoyed it for some reason
Its ok....