House of Shadow and Entrapment

Thumbnail of the map 'House of Shadow and Entrapment'

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Author We_Be_1337
Tags author:we_be_1337 playable survival unrated
Created 2005-10-28
Last Modified 2005-11-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Im quite proud of this map, each 'mini-map' is quite solvable on its own, but combined, its quite fun. Much more visually appealing than my previous two maps, please leave your R&R (review and replay). Be sure to check out my other maps

Other maps by this author

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fixed the two doors ninjaman mentioned and turned the middle into another hazard as well.


Excellent, perfect, fun. It was great, only one problem, some unlocked doors u can't go through. Dont know if it was part of your plan, but if not correct it. Still, it was awesome 4.5