The trails of life(or N)

Thumbnail of the map 'The trails of life(or N)'

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Author Nicolator
Tags author:nicolator hard playable unrated
Created 2009-04-16
Last Modified 2009-04-16
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Try to make it past the different trails just to go back to the bottom and go back up again, and just like in life, you go up and down.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Freepark' Thumbnail of the map 'Skatepark' Thumbnail of the map 'Nothing' Thumbnail of the map 'flip back(and back and back and back)' Thumbnail of the map 'Can't think of a name' Thumbnail of the map 'Map Name'
Freepark Skatepark Nothing flip back(and back and back and back) Can't think of a name Map Name


Pages: (0)

Ya its laggy

Try a diff. way if beaten lvl twice


you die when you get the switch

