
Thumbnail of the map 'Staggering'

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Author HeartView
Tags author:heartview playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-26
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This one will be a challenge for the best of you, especially going for all gold.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Feather Nation' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Nabbin' 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Teeder' Thumbnail of the map 'Wicked Danker' Thumbnail of the map 'Hilted' Thumbnail of the map 'Stacked'
Feather Nation Drone Nabbin' 3 Teeder Wicked Danker Hilted Stacked


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Bottom two rows

Hmm... this is hard, damn hard. =/
Demo Data
Just to give you an idea of how to get the vertical row of gold.
Demo Data

LOL forgot...

4.5/5 Wicked concept

I was right...

This is a hard one, Heres a demo of how to do the bottom row, which I think may be the hardest due to it having the longest distance to run initially. The subsequent rows can be done in the same fashion. The tip top however, tee hee, it took me a few tries to figure that out, and I'm not gonna tell anyone the easy way to do it. When I get an all gold run that I'm proud of... I'll submit it.
Demo Data


This is my post b4 I play the map, it looks friggin hard, but if it's from HeartView I have high expectations.