Easy DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Easy DDA'

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Author amh
Tags author:amh dda rated
Created 2005-10-25
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description this is a easy DDA but i like it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The half arrow' Thumbnail of the map 'Get rid of this fly' Thumbnail of the map 'Kid zone' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine jumping in water' Thumbnail of the map 'Locked lines' Thumbnail of the map 'One way platform maze'
The half arrow Get rid of this fly Kid zone Mine jumping in water Locked lines One way platform maze


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I was 6 when I made this, you guys need to lay off the hate -.-


bad map name, too launch pad heavy, too short, many unneccesary objects, 1.5/5. Good DDAs require a lot of effort, not 10 minutes of work, which is probably about what this one took you. if you spend real time on a DDA, i'm sure you can make a good one.

(bad map name)

How can a DDA be easy, if you don't do anything... Can sitting around watching something become easier or harder? I think the name is awful, but the map deserves a little merit, just a little. Its far too short, wastes a lot of space, and has excessive jumppads. The problems prevent it from succeding, all I can give it (especially compared to the standard that previous DDA's have set) is a 1/5