Energy Flow 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Energy Flow 1'

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Author MattMaster
Tags author:mattmaster energyflow fun nreality rated rotatey series
Created 2009-04-06
Last Modified 2009-04-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This is my MegaMassiveDED to Unreality for 'balancing' my rating with a 5 I didn't need.

Avoid those stupid rotaters.

-*-*-*-*-*NReality required-*-*-*-*-*

Woah! my 50th map!!! woohoo!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'scramboozled' Thumbnail of the map 'Devil's Dare' Thumbnail of the map 'Tinkinare' Thumbnail of the map 'TimbyMaster' Thumbnail of the map 'Deterioration' Thumbnail of the map 'groovy'
scramboozled Devil's Dare Tinkinare TimbyMaster Deterioration groovy


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I had a lot of fun playing this map. I felt like I was breaking into a prison, sneaking past the light. Very fun.


yes, i have seen you rate more than the maps deserved - it did piss me off slightly :/


I have nothing against MattMaster...

except his moaning when he recieves low ratings.

While I usually go hasty after 5 maps :P


I think that once a mapmaker hits 50 maps, thats when people should start going less easy on him. So, from now on i'm not going to be quite so generous with the ratings. It's not that I don't like MattMaster, it's that now is when I think he really needs to start learning how to be a great mapmaker.
But there are a lot of bias for Matt Master.
I'm checking now and a lot of them are threes, and some fours
i enjoy his maps
I meant 'you know that the map is good'.


listen to timby. When I first saw his maps (Marble Zone) there was so much wrong with them, but look how timby (HFTH) has improved, his maps are great now. You can do the same, and you can actually feel the true power of proper 4s and 5s. timby's tips are great.

MattMaster, you have so much potential, I can see you being a great author. You can do it. I have to be harsh to you because you aren't trying hard enough. You can do it, put effort.

The 4s and 5s that MattyMc etc. gives are biased, when someone unbiased gives you a true 4, you know when to be biased.

I'm only being harsh to you because I can see you being up there.

Keep at it, boy.

Go on.

Btw, heres some pointers:

Don't spam objects.

Try to give it a really groovy look, while at the same time making sure the tiles and objects play along with you.

Try taking time to insure the quality of the map.

Be daring! Try to do something original and inspiring.

Try looking at other peoples maps for inspiration, specifically, 29403, atob, Riobe, ska, and other critically aclaimed authors.

Try not to put too many object in, as this might cause lag.

Don't make it too hard. Many people don't like extreme difficulty.

Try to make the gameplay flow. Don't just throw together a bunch of objects in a big room and call it a level.

Try to use up as much of the level space as you can, while not making it too long.

Fill in the unused areas with tiles, so as to give it a closed-in professional look.

Always include a completion demo with your level, so that you can show everyone that it is possible to complete it.

I hope these help in the future. Now, go show everyone that you are capable of doing great things!

Make it GOOD

MattMaster! Please us! :D


i'll go make another map.






congrats on 50th.

Excuse me, Matty?

HE could at least put a bit more effort into his maps.

That's not what gives me the busicuit, it's the fact that his raters are way too generous.


Easy for you to say that you like his style, you're just biased because your just a good friend of his.

This deserves no more than 2.


I think the only problem is that it is too hard to get up from the bottom chamber. Would you mind to post your demo? I think next time if you post your own demo then no other players will criticize you. What do you think?


congrats on your 50th!


That should have said: "My only problem is that at that beginning part with the big row of laser drones, you didn't need that many of them."

Very cool.

I like the rotating laser drones. My only problem is that at that beginning part with the big row of laser drones, because you didn't need to use that many of them. 4

oops, I forgot

congrats to MattMaster for having over 50 maps!


MattMaster probably won't change the way he makes maps, probably because he likes the way he makes them and it's his own personal style. So deal with it.

I did.

I had to get to school and i did not click the link because it takes too much time to do that.

and, to the one,


You never listen to

anyone's constructive criticism, do you.

You just care about the fives, and not about the quality of the map

Count yourself lucky to get fives. Seriously.
