Bomb shelter

Thumbnail of the map 'Bomb shelter'

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Author zong
Tags author:zong hard rated
Created 2009-04-04
Last Modified 2009-04-04
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description hard

Other maps by this author

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Ownage Xey My easy thing Kill Runway Evil gold


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more like soft
that it would be great, but no. It's too easy to play. Plus, almost anyone can win here!

WTF man

something you should learn is that when you put 200 turrets on the level only about 10 of them fire and that's only after a huge delay.




Lol, you really think this is hard? :D

way too

easy. too many enemies that were completely useless


Obviously round that rating up.

Actually that's quite easy... sub 400. Could have been faster anyway. 0.5/5 just because I don't want to give you zero. Sorry.
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