Cowered core

Thumbnail of the map 'Cowered core'

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Author schaaaf
Tags action author:schaaaf fun playable rated
Created 2009-04-02
Last Modified 2009-04-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description :) i was quite bored in my latin lesson so i drew a n level^^i hope its fun:)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ninjas home' Thumbnail of the map 'Orpheus' Thumbnail of the map 'KIZ' Thumbnail of the map 'eyes up' Thumbnail of the map 'so close...' Thumbnail of the map 'Eruption'
ninjas home Orpheus KIZ eyes up so close... Eruption


Pages: (0)

And forgot everything :D


lol fun.
I'm going to download all your maps and do a speedrun of the newest like i'm doing with apse^^

heidelbergo laser drone non incridibilis erat...sed non scio ut demo fecere esse :)

Laser-Drone incredibilimus cetero histibus erat. At mines animum meam malo fecerunt. Quartus/Quantus.

venio de municum

et tu?


petere is beging


Sed malus sum,quamvis mater mea magistra romano est...shuold be correct^^

I didn´t know what "beg" means at the moment, but I´m sure we had it already. I´m 3rd year Latin. What are you?

i hate latin

but i understood it..und ich mach kein agd xD und befehlen tust du mir mal garnix^^

Impero tibi, ut cuncti-aurum-demum facis.