Thumbnail of the map 'PEPSI MAX'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xenoc
Tags author:xenoc rated test
Created 2005-10-24
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description don't take this seriously, its not like i'm advertising or taking sides from coke, but there just happened to be a pepsi bext to me

since its sort of colourful, and bold, i thought it would be good to make

its not great, i'll get somthing really good eventually but i hope you like it

Other maps by this author

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pacman locks wired architecture pyramid hallways N goes shoppin watch your step #3 invisible version!! N goes 3D


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huya sebe!

cool! 4/5


it is sorta hard to rate N-art but wot u gonna do. There should be an N-art category i think..


Nice N art.