Desert Priorities

Thumbnail of the map 'Desert Priorities'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt fun gauss gtmap-pack rated
Created 2009-03-17
Last Modified 2009-03-19
by 5 people.
Map Data


Please click the pic for details. Basically, I've released 16 levels that never made it into the pack, somehow, as a standalone thing. I'll change the title to its original form after it's moved off hot maps. The levels actually look pretty sweet, so be sure to check the pack out. I'll release another one onto NUMA tomorrow for exposure, but you'll have to download the pack to see the other 14.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Acido Paradiso Venicio!' Thumbnail of the map '06~3: Singularity' Thumbnail of the map 'Creepin' Up The Backstairs' Thumbnail of the map 'The Great Migration' Thumbnail of the map '07~0: Sydney Sniper House' Thumbnail of the map 'Dystopian Hypoxia'
Acido Paradiso Venicio! 06~3: Singularity Creepin' Up The Backstairs The Great Migration 07~0: Sydney Sniper House Dystopian Hypoxia


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which is certainly is, but i still like it.

ok... not bad..

so so. 4

ok... not bad..

so so. 4


...good thing i dont value my place here in this community anyways...


Your comments have been deleted for unnecessary flaming and profanity. Consider this a verbal warning.
Which is why I had to resort to such a hackneyed joke.

I agree with atob and skyline that this is a generic map, in that I didn't have much inspiration other than building up some tile shapes. I still like it regardless, and I only submit stuff I'm satisfied with.

But, maybe I shouldn't try and just "go through the motions" like this.


...thanks XP...its like they own you...make your maps different just so that i can pretend to get some satisfaction out of them...but i guess thats just me having different values than the rest of this community...
This is horribly generic and whatever else you want to call it. I'm growing tired of seeing maps like these on NUMA.

would you listen

to a poor old man asking you to regurgitate your own "style" again and mix it up?
That map you made when I asked you to last time was superb.


More of the same from GTM.

All you've done is borrow a few styles from NUMA and regurgitate it for hundreds of maps. It's boring, all the maps play the same, and the evidence is clear looking at the users who pay you attention.

Sometimes cruel is kind? ;_;

This demo

will make you cringe.
I like it, too techincal for me to master it, but I liked the tiles, the gold placement, the gausses, etc, etc.
Demo Data


your demo doesn't work...


Nice map, good tiles and gameplay, I prefered agd, but ngd was faster
Demo Data