One Way Thru

Thumbnail of the map 'One Way Thru'

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Author randweezle57
Tags author:randweezle57 unrated
Created 2009-03-17
Last Modified 2009-03-17
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this one is to the urban peeps

Other maps by this author

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Lockdown Im Sprung a.k.a. The Tube Call of Nduty


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Not good.

Don't put gold under mines. It's useless and adds to loading time.
The bounceblocks do nothing. Plus we see the thwumps when the map is loading so it's no surprise.
You need a lot less thwumps to give basically the same effect.

Even with all those improvements, the map would still be so so. a few oneways would be good.

Loading time

soory bout that the gold and thwumps make it a long load =`

Loading time

is only very long, was trying a AGD but everytime reloading just takes to lonh.

on what

manhattan =)

on what

city you based it?