Krystalle Followback

Thumbnail of the map 'Krystalle Followback'

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Author Kool-aid
Tags author:kool-aid challenge puzzle-ish rated
Created 2009-03-16
Last Modified 2009-03-16
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description puzzle-ish map, easy gameplay once you figure it out.
rce :]

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shadow Disfigurement' Thumbnail of the map 'fbf challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Summoned Source' Thumbnail of the map 'Sacred high' Thumbnail of the map 'Churning' Thumbnail of the map 'Ratifying Fool'
Shadow Disfigurement fbf challenge Summoned Source Sacred high Churning Ratifying Fool


Pages: (0)

The rocket was ok.

i just got up :D

weird huh? lol

PMed you

edited map too, it was too hard.

Replaced rockets with gausses, and its much smoother now, i feel. :D

I'm off to bed now too! 22:05! night.


my email is on my profile page... I dunno if i told you already but hey... And my name on the forums is ChrisE...

really slow agd-2

completion if you need to, watch it.

yea chris i was thinking about taking that drone out, idk though if i get more complaints i might :]
Demo Data

took me a while to get
Demo Data
haven't completed it yet though.

Nice concept. :D 4