Farther than ever before

Thumbnail of the map 'Farther than ever before'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Aju
Tags action author:aju gauss mines playable rated
Created 2009-03-15
Last Modified 2009-03-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description There's not really much to say.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome Home' Thumbnail of the map 'I guess this is it (Leveled Trees)' Thumbnail of the map 'You never meant anything to me' Thumbnail of the map 'I'll never see her again (Black Box)' Thumbnail of the map 'I don't know you all that well' Thumbnail of the map 'Staples Class of '69'
Welcome Home I guess this is it (Leveled Trees) You never meant anything to me I'll never see her again (Black Box) I don't know you all that well Staples Class of '69


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Demo Data


The map is fantastic. I miss days when you could make a map like this without being flamed for its simplicity.


IRC, man. I miss you and your crazy antics.
Love, Jig

AGD, sir

Demo Data