медведь города

Thumbnail of the map 'медведь города'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mahi_mahi
Tags author:mahi_mahi rated unrated
Created 2009-03-07
Last Modified 2010-03-12
by 11 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'кашель пасты' Thumbnail of the map 'Карта' Thumbnail of the map 'Глупый Гуси' Thumbnail of the map '1-3 Histogram' Thumbnail of the map 'Это бизнес' Thumbnail of the map 'помощь'
кашель пасты Карта Глупый Гуси 1-3 Histogram Это бизнес помощь


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I can feel that. I was thinking of maps like this [] and this [] when I said that, but in retrospect, I don't think that really is classic Izzy...just a really cool phase. :(

But yeah, don't get me wrong, I wasn't knocking the map. I dig "classic Izzy". Mad fun. :)

I didnt freaking snipe your maps.

Wow... I just barely pieced it all together. You are mustardude.


fun short and just the thing to do after breakfast


excellent map, very fun, and gameplay really did work perfectly with the tiles, faved (I completed, this is my "oh crap, cannot cheat demo")
Demo Data

love this map

its so simple but really good.

gameplay works perfect with the tiles
