
Thumbnail of the map 'Fortress'

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Author timex987
Tags author:timex987 hard unrated
Created 2009-03-04
Last Modified 2009-03-04
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ikd

Other maps by this author

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sea of mines Lazer quest Easy Course


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you've got good ideas, just needs to be pulled together. I usually make multiple maps a day, and I post the one I like the most, perhaps try this for a while? Also, what M_O said, and also refrain from alining anything, it can either go really wrong or really well, especially when it comes to mines, because a fraction of the amount can do a better job.

Here's a tip

it helps make the change from an obviously new mapmaker to a good,average mapmaker. Don't try to line the path with gold,it just makes more annoying sounds and looks bad. Try to put the gold in one place that is hard to get to/to get the gold,or,if the map is open,spread it apart.